Monday, April 11, 2011


A Cute Proposal From A Young Boy To His Lady Love 

                           Thy Queen Every Second With You;
           Was Like A  Year of Heaven in dreamland;   

                       Your Cute Innocent Wrath of Smile;
 Served as  a healthy tonic amidst chokes of unhealthy life;
             The Charmness and  Sweetness of your voice;
chunned me  crazy and took me spell bound dear lady ;

          Your Beautiful Mix of Elegant Look and Calm Style ;
won my heart makin me most admirer fan of yours ever seen;

       With all These Humble Innocent Traits of yours pulling me;
I Place at thy feet  Dear Lady, your crazy fan's ardent proposal;   

 Accept it O Dear Queen With Might by Which u Conquered me;
And I promise to Shower and Serve u with zeal and happiness ever;